
At P J Carroll Residential, we always endeavour to give excellent levels of service to all our clients. We understand that every tenant is an individual and will always aim to address your particular requirements.
Q. How do I arrange to view one of your properties?
A. The quickest way to arrange a viewing is to give us a call, then we will be happy to give you further information about the property and to arrange a mutually convenient appointment to show you round suitable homes.
Q. I have viewed a property that I would like to rent - what is the next step?
A. You will be provided with a P J Carroll ‘Tenant Assessment Form’. As we are no longer charging referencing fees, we will make an in-house evaluation of your application before submitting this for formal referencing. Once we have completed this initial stage and are happy to proceed, you will be asked to pay a ‘holding deposit’ equivalent to one week’s rent (this payment to be set against your initial deposit/rent payment). When the holding deposit is received, we will submit your application for formal referencing. We use an independent specialist agency for our tenant assessments and once your application has been approved by them, you will be offered a tenancy and a date for your move will be agreed. At this point, you will be required to pay the balance of monies due (deposit and first month’s rent). Applicants who normally reside overseas should contact us for details of application requirements.
Q. Will I be charged any fees as a tenant?
The Tenant Fees Act 2019 all charges to tenants are banned, with the following exceptions which are permitted charges:
Rent, Tenancy Deposit, Late payment of rent (after 14 days in arrears)
Loss of keys or other security devices giving access to the accommodation,
Payment of Damages for Breach of an Agreement, changes to tenancy (maximum charge of £50.00), termination of tenancy at tenant’s request (not to exceed the loss suffered by the landlord and/or the reasonable costs to the letting agent)
Q. How long does the application process take?
A. Provided that all the required information is given, and no adverse information is uncovered, your application should be approved within 5 working days of being submitted to Leaseguard for referencing. If you need to move exceptionally quickly, please let us know and we will do our very best to speed things up.
Q. Apart from the rent, what else will I have to pay for?
A. You will be responsible for the payment of all utility bills (i.e. gas, electric, water & council tax). You must also pay for your television licence if you have a set at the property.
Q. How long will my tenancy be for?
A. In the majority of cases, the initial tenancy agreement will be for a term of 12 months, and you will normally be able to renew or extend your tenancy after that time. Full details of your options will be sent to you about a month before the end of your initial term. We are occasionally able to offer shorter term rentals (minimum 6 months).
Q. What happens if the property or its equipment requires repair or maintenance?
A. Generally speaking, the landlord is responsible for the upkeep and repair of the property and any problems should be reported to us. We have a specialist team of tradesman on hand to deal with any issues that may occur. You will, of course, be responsible for your own belongings and equipment. Full details of all parties responsibilities are contained with the tenancy agreement.
Q. How do I pay my rent?
A. Your rent is paid monthly in advance, and prior to you moving in, your first month’s rent must be received as cleared funds. You will then be asked to set up a direct debit/standing order for the future payment of rent and your payment will be due on the anniversary of your tenancy each month (i.e. if you move in on the 15th of a month, your rent will be due on 15th of each subsequent month).
Q. When will my deposit be returned?
A. Your deposit is held by The Deposit Protection Service DPS) for the duration of your tenancy. At the end of your stay, one of our staff will meet you to check the inventory and condition of the property. Assuming all is well, your deposit will be released from the DPS within 14 days of your departure.
We hope this information is useful to you, but we will be delighted to address any particular issues you may have.